The Simple Logger II Model L564 is a 4-channel AC voltage and current recording device powered by alkaline batteries. It incorporates direct access for AC current probes that have a 0 to 1VAC output. Voltage inputs are directly measured up to 600VAC. Harmonic measurements are calculated from 64 samples taken on each cycle measured and are only available from the Simple Logger II Control Panel within the DataView software.
The Simple Logger II stores TRMS measurements at user-programmable rates from eight times per second to one per day. TRMS calculations are performed on a single line cycle. The main advantage of the logger is its ability to perform a variety of recording tasks with an easy and intuitive setup from a computer using DataView software.
Analog information on the input is sampled and converted to a digital signal. This digital signal is processed and stored along with scale and time information. Bluetooth communication provides for the transfer of data from the instrument's internal memory to the computer for analysis.
- Single/split phase and 2 phase load monitoring
- Neutral and ground current monitoring
- Intermittent problem detection
- Harmonic current monitoring using DataView software
- Residential power monitoring
- Fault current detection
- Load profiling