Tektronix Rigol DS1104z vs Tektronix TBS1104 vs Agilent DSO1072B Digital Oscilloscopes


Comparison of the Rigol DS1104z, Tektronix TBS1104, and Agilent DSO1072b Digital Oscilloscopes:

Rigol DS1104z comes with Rigol's "UltraVision" technology, allowing for Multi-Level intensity grading displays and Realtime waveform record and replay, as well as up to a 30,000 wfms/s update rate. This oscilloscope also comes with a 7in WVGA multi-levels intensity grading waveform display, a low noise floor with a dynamic range of 1mV/div to 10V/div, as well as a variety of math functions, a FFT function, and a variety of trigger functions.

Tektronix TBS1104 has 16 automated measurements and FFT analysis, built-in waveform linit testing, and many other features available in the TBS1000 series.

Agilent DSO1072B comes standard with go/no-go mask testing capability, which allows inexperienced oscilloscope users to perform precise parametric tests.
The key differences are listed here:

 Feature / Model DS1104z TBS1104 DSO1072b
Bandwidth 100 MHz 100 MHz 70 MHz
Memory 12 MP 2.5 kP 16 kP
Rise Time 3.5 ns 3.5 ns 5 ns
Update Rate 30,000 Wfms/s --- 400 Wfms/s
Data Logging Yes Yes No
UltraVision Technology Yes No No
Sampling Rate 1 GS/s 1 GS/s 2 GS/s
Analog Channels 4 4 2
For the Full Details of the differences please see below:
(click the ? for explanations of specification terms)

ModelAgilent DSO1072BTektronix TBS1104Rigol DS1104Z
ProductOscilloscope, 2-channel, 70 MHz, 16k memoryDigital Storage Oscilloscope: 100MHz bandwidth, 1GS/s sample rate, 4 channel, 2.5K...100 MHz Digital Oscilloscope with 4 channels plus 12 Mpt memory and 1 GSa/sec sampling.
In Stock

Oscilloscopes/Digital Oscilloscopes

Bandwidth100 MHz100 MHz
Sampling Rate1 GS/S1 GS/S 
Memory2.5 KP [kilopoints] (2.5 kB)12 MP [megapoints] (12288 kB)
Rise Time3.5 ns3.5 ns
Screen Size5.7 IN7 IN

Test Equipment General Attributes

Unique Features70 Mhz Bandwidth
Up to 1 GSa/s sample rate
Up to 16 kpts memory
5.7-inch color LCD display with wide viewing angle
Simultaneous viewing of main and zoomed waveforms
Safety ApprovalCE CE, CSA
Interfaces I/OUSB LAN / Ethernet, LXI, USB Host, USB