Elenco FG-500 Series

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Elenco FG-500 Series

The heart of the FG-500 Function Generator is the XR-2206 monolithic function generator integrated circuit. The XR-2206 is comprised of four main functional blocks. They are:
  • A Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO)
  • An Analog Multiplier and Sine-shaper
  • Unity Gain Buffer Amplifier
  • A set of current switches

The VCO actually produces an output frequency proportional to an input current, which is produced by a resistor from the timing terminals to ground. The current switches route one of the currents to the VCO to produce an output frequency. Which timing pin current is used, is controlled by the FSK input (pin 9). In the FG-500, the FSK input is left open, thus only the resistor on pin 7 is used.