

Elenco produces affordable, reliable test equipment for the electronics industry. The company is currently based in Illinois and was founded in 1972.

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Elenco was established in 1972 in a garage by two American electronic engineers. When the company began, it produced convergence generators designed for TV repairmen. Today the company has expanded and currently manufactures products for the toy, education, telecommunication, electric, and engineering fields. These products include everything from toy circuits and robotics kits to a comprehensive test and measurement instrument line that includes oscilloscopes, multimeters, logic probes, function generators, and clamp meters, to name a few.

Elenco brings over 40 years of experience into its design and maufacturing processes. In those 40 years the company has been forced to compete with companies that are much larger than it. This hasn't hurt Elenco at all; the company continues to grow and be successful despite its "underdog" status. If anything speaks to the strength and longevity of a company, it is that company's ability to be consistently successful. Elenco has been able to do that while overshadowed by many larger test and measurement companies. Elenco's proven product quality and affordability promises to keep the company growing well into the future.
Current Statistics:
  • Employees: 50
  • 60,000 sq ft. headquarters
  • 600+ current products

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