Pinless Moisture Meter Scan Test Block
Lignomat TS Pinless Cal Block Pinless Moisture Meter Scan Test Block
The calibration for all Lignomat pinless moisture meters is internally checked and adjusted before each reading. However, pinless calibrations and functions of a pinless moisture meter can be verified with the Scan Test Block TS.
The pinless calibration block TS can be used for all Lignomat pinless moisture meters. It works for single depth 1/4″ or 3/4″ and for dual-depth 1/4″ and 3/4″ depth measurements.
The Test Block TS can be used for the following moisture meters:
Ligno-Scanner S
- Ligno-Scanner D
- Ligno-Scanner SD
- Ligno Scanner SDM
- Ligno-DuoTec BW
- Ligno-VersaTec