Laboratory Superior Standard
The XM 60 Series moisture balances were designed for everyday high throughput use in the analytical or quality control lab, supporting established product or material manufacturing. The XM series is available in moderate resolution (XM 60 - 0.001g, 0.01% moisture) or high resolution (XM 60-HR 0.0001g, 0.001% moisture). Both versions also offer a choice of heating options (Halogen, Infrared, or glass-free Metal) - to best match the production applications, sample needs, and FDA/HACCP requirements.
Resolution choices to match your application
The XM 60-HR - with high resolution, 0.001% moisture, and memory for 20 methods is the ideal product for many high performance industrial applications, including trace moisture in plastics for injection molding.
Flexibility in Heater Choice
Three choices for heater; Halogen, Infrared, or glass-free Metal for FDA/HAACP considerations. Choose the best match for your needs to heat as fast as your samples allow - for best throughput and high quality moisture results without decomposition.
Connectivity – built-in and options
RS232 is standard, USB is optional. The XM 60 and XM 60-HR are computer and printer ready with GLP/GMP/ISO compliant print formats with date/time stamp. Data is fully formatted for direct transfer to Windows® applications in Excel®, with optional third-party wedge software.
Programmable Methods
Up to 20 methods may be set up, stored, and used. Each method will set a target heating temperature, heat rate “ramp” method, and choice of five endpoint (stop) methods including AdaptStop™ - a fully automatic endpoint mode.
Heat Rate “Ramp” Flexibility
Heat rate choices of Soft, Standard and Boost provide simple time/temperature profile management - without requiring ramp programming. Soft, Standard and Boost use temperature feedback to provide slow, standard and high heat rate - each including a different rate of approach to a target temperature.
Reports available with single key press
The XM 60 Series includes Key-Select™ Mode for single key press reports. Simply press print and hold until the desired report is listed in the display, then release for print or RS232 output to computer. All reports include date/time stamp. Reports are available for statistics, status, and applications.