Intelligent-Lab™ Moisture Analysis Balance
Intelligent Weighing Technology offers two moisture balances that are ideal for the industrial lab in charge of controlling manufacturing process. The IL-50 models (0.001g and 0.01g) are simple to opearate, well priced and are backed by Intelligent Weighing Technology which has access to some of the best experts in moisture analysis available today. Many companies are finding that they can now afford to purchase this much needed equipment due to the excellant price point.
The IL-50 combines high quality, durable construction and easy one button setup for the ultimate in affordable moisture analysis. With its easy to follow user manual and logical keyboard, the IL-50 is ideal for opeartors of all skill levels. It has a fast acting halogen heating element and a large backilt LCD display which displays results in % solids or % liquids. The capacity of the unit is 50g with a readability of 0.01g (0.1%) or 0.001g (0.01%) and it has a top temperature of 180°C.
The total package is neatly contained in a purpose built aluminum carrying case to safetly protect the instrument and comes with disposable aluminum pans, glass fiber pads, sample pan tweezers and pliers and a 50g calibration weight. This unit is ready to be used right out of the box.
Intelligent weighing Technology can offer help with most test specifications, dependent upon the material, and is there to help with all aspects of this difficult and complex for this service.
Features |
Benefits |
Wide opening heater chamber |
Allows easy access to the weigh pan |
Large operating temperature range |
Allow flexibility of operation |
Auto switch off on time or weight loss |
Gives more consistent results |
RS 232 interface |
Allows communication with peripheral data collection and printing instruments |
Carrying case |
Ensure that balance is not damaged during storage or transit |
Calibration weight |
Ensures that balance is calibrated often |