SOURCE and READ T/C’s over the entire industrial temperature range with ALTEK’s Model 322 Thermocouple Calibrator. Use with transmitters, recorders, controllers, alarms, indicators,data acquisition and computer systems. Switch between fourT/C types or millivolts.
High accuracy and stability is achieved through Altek’sexclusive isothermal block. Make your connections directly withthermocouple wire or with miniature thermocouple connectors.
Field customize the Model 322 to lock-in 1° resolution, fixed °For °C or front panel selectable °F/°C operation. A shroudedminiature thermocouple connector receptacle plus terminalscrews allow for easy hookups. Built in protection guards theModel 322 against mis-connection to 120 Volts AC or DC, inany mode.
The Model 322 turns on to the T/C type last used. Other T/Ctypes may be selected each time the unit is turned on. If youalways use one T/C type, lock in the selected T/C type (ex. typeJ) with the internal DIP switch to prevent accidental change toan unwanted type.
Resolution is 0.1° or 1° over the full listed range of all thermocouple types. Millivolts provides 1 microvolt resolution from-99.999 to 99.999mV. The ALTEK model 322 simulates keytemperatures for repetitive calibrations. “QUIK-CHEK” functionstores THREE output temperatures for each T/C type for realconvenience.
Three output values are remembered for each T/C type & MVfor a total of 15. Turn the knob to check trip points, controlleraction or hysteresis. The fast response 322 sets quicklywithout overshoot but allows slow changes at your own rate.Memory is retained for each thermocouple type even whenpower is off.
The Model 322 display gives you fast, accurate temperaturemeasurement with 0.1 and 1 degree or with 0.001 millivoltresolution. High resistance or open T/Cs and leads are detectedand indicated on the LCD display. Two readings per secondtrack fast moving temperatures.
“MAX” and “MIN” memories are continuously updated from turnon or whenever the “RESET” pushbutton is pressed. The Model322 gives you a handy tool to monitor temperatures for drift orcontrol deviation. Just flip the “QUIK-CHEK” switch to displaythe MINimum and MAXimum temperature since reset.
Each time the Model 322 is turned on, the LCD will display allsegments for 3 seconds. It then displays the currently selectedthermocouple type or mV for approximately 3 seconds. If °C/°Foperation has been selected the currently selected temperature scale of °C or °F will display.