Simulate 2-wire transmitters to calibrate receivers,recorders, controllers, indicators and computers. Looppower eliminates the need for batteries. Loop currentis clamped at the key value you select. Accuracy is±0.08% of 4 to 20 mA, even with changes in load andsupply voltage.
Switch settings of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% give youfast, full range checkout of instrument or system. Thesingle switch and palm sized case have beendesigned for simple, one handed operation. Just clipthe built-in leads to the 2-wire terminals in the field,junction box or control room.
When you check out receivers, recorders orcontrollers in a 2-wire 4 to 20mA loop, simplydisconnect the 2-wire transmitter and hook up aModel 46. Flip a switch to get instant full scale andzero outputs. The calibrator operates just like a 2-wiretransmitter by modulating the external power supplyvoltage into a 4 to 20mA signal.
The Model 46 receives all of its operating power fromthe loop. This lets you operate continuously for dayswhen long term loop testing is required. Use it as amanual loading station when a controller needs repairor replacement. Minimize process shutdownsinstalling a new controller.