MG Chemicals


M.G. Chemicals is a manufacturer of chemical products for the electronics industry.

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M.G. Chemicals is a manufacturer and wholesaler of chemical products for the electronics industry. Their chemical products include dusters and circuit coolers, cleaner / degreasers, flux removers, contact cleaners, protective coatings, solder, epoxies, adhesives, RTV silicones, lubricants, EMI/RFI shielding coatings, thermal management products, prototyping supplies, and more. M.G. Chemicals also distributes related non-chemical products, such as wipes, swabs, brushes, desoldering braid, and copper clad boards.
M.G. Chemicals has been registered to the ISO 9001 quality system since February 1996, and is a firm believer in the ISO 9001 philosophy of producing quality products that are designed to meet the specific needs of its customers.
Company History
In the 1950s the TV industry had experienced tremendous growth, and TV sets were becoming common household items. TV sets were expensive at the time, so they were a major purchase for most households. These early TV sets were not as reliable as the TV’s of today, and they broke down frequently because of the large number of tubes they contained. It was very common for these tubes to burn out and need replacing, but luckily, it was a relatively simple task for a trained TV repairman to identify and replace the faulty tubes. Thus, the TV repairman became part of everyday life.
It was during this era that Morton and Gale partnered in a TV and radio repair operation located in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. As the TV repair industry was just beginning, Morton and Gale found it difficult to obtain many of the supplies they required. In particular, it was difficult for them to obtain chemical cleaning fluids. Seeing an opportunity, they began to formulate their own.
The cleaning products Morton and Gale developed were very effective, and they began selling them to other TV and radio repair operations in the city. The products became very popular, and in 1955 Morton and Gale officially incorporated MG Products Ltd, a new company that would focus on manufacturing cleaning chemicals for the TV and radio repair industry in Western Canada.
After growing the business significantly, Morton and Gale sold MG Products Ltd. to Mr. Pencer of Surrey B.C., who arranged to have its manufacturing and packaging done by Aero Pak Sales Ltd.
Aeropak Sales Ltd. was an aerosol packaging operation in New Westminster, B.C. that was founded, owned and operated by Robert Clark. Aeropak Sales was a very successful small company, but Mr. Clark desired a company that packaged and sold its own formulations. Mr. Clark saw the potential in M.G. Products Ltd., because the company was serving the fast growing electronics industry. So when the opportunity presented itself in 1978, Mr. Clark sold Aeropak sales and purchased M.G. Products Ltd. from Mr. Pencer, and changed the name to M.G. Chemicals Ltd.
Naturally hard working, driven, and motivated, Mr. Clark put his full efforts into growing M.G. Chemicals Ltd into a world-class company, meeting the chemical needs of the electronics industry. He also developed a specialized aerosol paint division and incorporated that into M.G. Chemicals’ operations.
Today MG Chemicals is very different from the company that was founded by Morton and Gale. While the company still services the TV and radio repair segment, MG’s customer base is now much broader, with its primary customer segments being maintenance and repair organizations, electronics manufacturers, and electronics hobbyists.
M.G. Chemicals now has its own manufacturing and packaging facilities in Burlington, Ontario, and its head office resides in Surrey, B.C

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