Martel Martel BetaGauge 321A/311A Series
Whichever you choose, the single sensor BetaGauge 311A, or the dual sensor BetaGauge 321A, you’ll have everything you need for calibrating pressure anywhere. Gas custody transfer is the ideal application for the accuracy and capabilities of the BetaGauge 321A. Select from two standard configurations: 15 psi/1500 psi, or 30 psi/3000 psi, or create a custom configuration by selecting between any two ranges. The BetaGauge 311A can be configured by selecting from any range from 0.4, 1, 5, 7, 15, 30, 50, 100, 150, 300, 500, 1000, 1500, 3000, 5000, or 10000 psi. Both are supplied with soft case, AA batteries, manual, NIST-traceable certificate, and test leads. Both are available in kits including the Pressure Calibrator, Pt100 RTD Probe, AA batteries, manual, NIST- traceable certificate, test leads, and hard-sided carrying case. The inproved ‘A’ version provides enhanced features over the predecessor, including a Power-Tool-Tough case, custom engineering units, user-adjustable resolution, and enhanced stability.