

Luxo manufactures lighting and magnification products. The company is well known for their spring-balanced articulating lamps that allow effortless adjustment of light position.

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Luxo began manufacturing in Norway under founder Jac Jacobsen in 1938. Today they have manufacturing operations in three countries and sales operations throughout Europe, the United States, and Canada. Luxo’s claim to fame is the Luxo L-1. This spring-balanced lamp is still in production in its original version to this day, and over 25 million of these units have been sold. Today, Luxo uses this spring-balanced arm technology in their magnification products in addition to lighting. They realize that a negative quality experience can forever turn a customer away, and therefore ensuring the best product quality is their top priority, in addition to ergonomics, durability, and aesthetics. Luxo also hold ISO 9001, ISO 13485 and ISO 14001 certifications.

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