Fluke Fluke 117 vs 179 Multimeters

What is the difference between the Fluke 117 and Fluke 179?

Top Features

Fluke 117
Application Electrician
Display Countr 6000
Display Digits 3-1/2
DC Voltage Accuracy 0.5%
AC/DC Voltage Up to 600V
AC/DC Amps Up to 20A
Frequency Yes
Capacitance Yes
Temperature No
Diode Test Yes
LoZ (Ghost Voltage Detection) Yes
VoltAlert™ (Non-Contact AC Voltage) Yes
Fluke 179
Application Electrician
Display Countr 6000
Display Digits 3-3/4
DC Voltage Accuracy 0.09%
AC/DC Voltage Up to 1000V
AC/DC Amps Up to 20A
Frequency Yes
Capacitance Yes
Temperature Yes
Diode Test Yes
LoZ (Ghost Voltage Detection) No
VoltAlert™ (Non-Contact AC Voltage) No

Comparison Summary

The Fluke 117 and Fluke 179 are both True-RMS Multimeters with large 6,000 count displays featuring bright white LED backlights for easy viewing in any environment. The major specifications for these meters are very similar. Each is capable of measuring current up to 20A AC/DC. Resistance, continuity, frequency, and capacitance measurements are also possible with both models.

From there, the models start to differ. On the 179, you can measure up to 1000V AC/DC while on thee 117, you can only measure to 600V AC/DC. Basic DC accuracy on the 179 is also better at 0.09%, compared to 0.5% on the 117. In addition, the 179 supports temperature measurement while the 117 does not. The displays for each meter also differ slightly - on the 179 you have 3-3/4 digits while on the 117 you have 3-1/2.

The 117 does include some special features which are missing on the 179. These include VoltAlert non-contact voltage detection as well as LoZ ghost voltage detection technologies. The Fluke 179 does not include VoltAlert or LoZ. The 179 makes up for this by being highly durable - its tough casing is drop tested up to one meter giving you one of the most durable multimeters available. It also has overvoltage protection against transient spikes up to 6 kV.

Want to know more? Check out the tables below for complete specifications or give us a call at 877-571-7901. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have.

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ModelFluke 179
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Measures AC VYes
Measures DC VYes
Measures AC AYes
Measures DC AYes
True RMSYes
Maximum Voltage AC1000 V
Resolution AC Volts0.1 mV
Maximum Voltage DC1000 V
Resolution DC Volts0.1 mV
Maximum Current AC10 A