Fluke Flow Measurement
Fluke Mobox/Molbloc Calibrators are designed for calibration of gas flowmeters. Molbox/Molbloc, originating with Hart Scientific, and now part of Fluke Calibration, has many proven years in the market and should be considered as a replacement to volumetric bell provers and piston provers for gas flow calibration.
Molbox/Molbloc is ideal for calibration of flowmeters such as
Thermal Mass Flowmeters
Variable Area FlowMeters (Rotameters)
Turbine Meters
Molbox/Molbloc units are much smaller bench instruments that have no moving parts, no need for long straight runs, and provide results directly in mass flow units without needing corrections from volumetric to mass flow. For labs calibrating numbers of thermal mass flowmeters, work can be automated. Contact a TEquipment sales engineer and discuss your application and learn more with these application notes.
Flow Calibrator Selection Questions
Knowing as much as possible about your application will help in selecting the right technology and specific flow calibrator model.
1. Flowing gas data
a. Flow rate in desired units
b. Base conditions
i. Pressure
ii. Temperature
c. Flowing conditions
i. Pressure
ii. Temperature
d. Differential at maximum flow
e. Specific gravity
f. Flowing gas
2. Description of installation configuration
3. Line size
4. Accuracy required