BK Precision Field Strength Meters

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BK Precision Field Strength Meters

RF Field Strength Meters measure RF levels and electric field strength. These units are designed to perform basic signal tests without the need for an expensive, fully capable spectrum analyzer with a range of additional features. RF field strength meters are typically small, handheld units that operate via battery power. Some units also incorporate frequency counters.

Key features to consider in selecting RF Field Strength Meters
  • Frequency Range. This should be a first consideration. Choose a unit that can measure frequencies in the your operating range
  • Noise Floor. Noise floor represents the lowest signal level that the unit can measure
  • Sweep Mode. Sweep Mode is how the unit will search for and pick up frequencies. Methods include single run, free run, and squelch run selectable
  • Internal Attenuation. Some units offer internal attenuation features that can extend the input frequency range