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Automotive Test Tools

While many test equipment can be used for automotive applications, manufacturers of test equipment have customized accessories and even specifically designed equipment for the automotive market.

One specific category we have identified are automotive oscilloscopes. An oscilloscope is a test and measurement instrument used primarily to measure voltage over time. A digital storage oscilloscope (also known as a DSO) takes the input signal and converts it from an analog wave to a series of digital signals. Once it is digitized, the digital storage oscilloscope can then store the information in memory and display it on the screen. The faster the signal is processed, the better the displayed signal.

Features Unique to Automotive oscilloscopes

  • Portable for ease of use
  • OBDII Code Reader to scan automobile computer error codes
  • Library of known good patterns with preset test parameters for common automotive signals
  • Special adapters included or as available accessories

Some common measurements digital storage oscilloscopes are used for include:

  • Looking at the shape of a signal (also known as a waveform)
  • Checking the amplitude (strength) of a signal
  • Checking the frequency (timing) of a signal
  • Checking the amount of time between events
  • Looking for problems (noise) with a signal

What are the key specifications in selecting a digital storage oscilloscope?

There are typically four parameters that should be considered when chosing your instrument:

  • Bandwidth
  • Sample Rate
  • Rise Time
  • Recording Length