Adash America


AdashAmerica strives to offer tools and software for vibration diagnostics to all customers according to their needs and budget.  The Adash product line ranges from entry-level single channel data collectors with free software to sophisticated four channel units and online monitoring systems.

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AdashAmerica is dedicated to providing professional grade vibration monitoring equipment and data collectors to North America, with a network of representatives throughout the United States to provide localized product support.  Repairs, calibration, training, and technical support are provided through its U.S. based office. The Adash product line ranges from entry-level single channel data collectors with free software to sophisticated four channel units and online monitoring systems.

In addition to providing the Adash product line, AdashAmerica specializes in product specific and vibration training courses to enhance your predictive maintenance program. It can also offer further support by providing remote vibration analysis services to supplement an in-house program.

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