Vaisala HMT130 Series HUMICAP Humidity and Temperature Transmitters measure relative humidity and temperature and outputs the measurements to voltage outputs and RS-485. Other quantities, such as dewpoint (Td) can be calculated from the basic RH and T values according to the device configuration. HMT130 is powered with a 10 ... 35 VDC or a 24 VAC supply (15 ... 35 VDC or 24 VAC required when using 0 ... 10 V output). It outputs two analog voltage signals with nominal 0 ... 10 V range. HMT130 has also an RS-485 digital interface and a relay.
The Vaisala HUMICAP HMT130 transmitters are suitable for clean rooms, museums, laboratories and data centers. Maintaining measurement traceability is easy due to field exchangeable intelligent measurement probes. These can be exchanged with minimal downtime and process disturbance. The humidity parameter options available are: relative humidity, dew point/frost point, wet bulb temperature, enthalpy, absolute humidity, mixing ratio, vapor pressure, and saturation vapor pressure.
Wall, remote or outdoor mounted transmitter shall incorporate a thin film polymer capacitive HUMICAP® relative humidity sensor. Electronics shall be protected from: condensation, chemicals and dust in a NEMA-4 enclosure. Sensors to be able to withstand wash down with no lasting detrimental effect to transmitter performance. Accuracy to be ± 1.5% RH between 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F) for the 0 to 90% RH range, and ± 2.5% RH for the 90 to 100% RH range. Shall have a typical stability of ±0.5 %RH per year. Transmitter will be powered by 15 to 35VDC or 24 VAC. Transmitter with optional display shall operate over a temperature range of -20° to 60°C (-4° to +140°F) and transmitter without display shall operate -40° to 60°C (-40° to +140°F). Transmitter shall have a linear selectable output signal of 0 to 1V, 0 to 5V or 0 to 10V corresponding to 0 to 100% RH (dewpoint, enthalpy and wet bulb optional). Optional temperature sensor to be a platinum 1000* RTD having a linear selectable output signal of 0 to 1V, 0 to 5V or 0 to 10V corresponding to -40° to 60°C (-40° to +140°F) for fixed probe and -40° to 80°C (-40° to +176°F) for remote probe. Accuracy to be ±0.2°C (0.36°F) at +15 ...25 °C. Probes shall be interchangeable for minimal maintenance downtime. Transmitter shall also have the ability to calibrate relative humidity, without disturbing operation, using a single point electronic field calibrator. NIST traceable calibration and certificate included. Shall have an optional solar radiation and precipitation shield for outdoor mounting.
HMT130 transmitter's output quantities are configurable. Available quantities for outputs are limited to two at the time. These two quantities can be used freely at any outputs (display, service port and voltage outputs).
Available quantities are RH, T, Td, Td/f, a, x, h, Tw, pws, and pw.
The default output quantities are set at the factory during order time. These factory preset quantity selections can be changed afterwards via service port if necessary.
The HMT130T and HMT130H models are single-parameter transmitters. The only output quantity of HMT130T is temperature. The output of the HMT130H can be con®gured to be any one of the humidity-related quantities (RH, Td, Td/f, a, x, h, Tw, pws and pw).