Triarchy VSG6G1C - USB Vector Signal Generator, 1 MHz to 6.1 GHz
- Accurate and stable in frequncy
- Extra low cost, extralow wight, best performance to price ratio
- Frequency range from 1 MHz to 6.1 GHz
- Output levet from -100dBm ~ 10dBm
- Connect to PC through USB type C port without extra power unit
The VSG6G1C is a very cost effective USB RF vector signal generator. It can do most basic test functions of a regular sized RF vector signal generator can do. The VSG6G1C is very tiny instrument, but it can cover very wide measurement range.
RF frequency is from 1 MHz to 6.1 GHz, RF output level is from -100dBm to 10dBm. The most of modulation can be done by this tiny equipment such as pulse modulation, frequency hopping, I&Q modulation. It can generate FSK, MSK, GMSK, QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM. It can generate TDD fromat signal for communication set. It also can generate radar signal.
VSG6G1C is very suitable for field test because it is very small and easy to be carried. it also can be integrated RF system as module. It can simulate most of RF signal.
USB Device Overview
1: RF output |
N connector (female) |
RF signal output |
2: USB connector |
USB Type C connector |
interface with PC |
3: IP |
MMCX connector |
I port positive Output/Input |
4: IN |
MMCX connector |
I port negative Output/Input |
5: QP |
MMCX connector |
Q port positive Output/Input |
6: QP |
MMCX connector |
Q port negative Output/Input |
7: Clock |
MMCX connector |
Clock Output/Input |
8 Pulse |
MMCX connector |
Pulse signal Output |
TSG PC Application Overview
- Utility keys
Allows user to access the system level function, Function detail will be shown on second function keys
- Message selection keys
Click the Message selection key, the Message display area will be followed to be changed.
- Message display area
Message display area will be shown the detail information of output signal.
Main Block Diagram is shown the how the RF vector signal generator working, how the signal output.
Freq Hopping setting will be table of hopping frequency points.
I&Q Streaming Raw Data is waveform of I&Q raw data, it will be same as real waveform signal from I&Q port.
I&Q pattern image is shown I&Q pattern if I&Q raw data is generated based on the I&Q pattern.
I&Q constellation diagram is shown, it will be selected to depended on Raw data or I&Q pattern.
- Status block
Status block will be shown the main parameter of output signal, such as frequency, amplitude, duty cycle, symbol rate and working mode. Detail the information of output signal is also shown on Message display area. (Please note: parameter can not set up from Status block, it is only display window)
- Second functions keys
Second function keys will be extend key, it will be followed the function keys and utility key to extend function setting to more detail. It is similar to soft key in most of equipment which is location on side of screen. Most of parameter will be input from second function keys.
- Function keys
Most of major the equipment setting will be done by Function keys. General setting for signal generator will be: Select mode, such as frequency selection for single, sweeping and hopping and pulse modulation selection. Input frequency, such as setting for signal frequency, frequency sweeping and frequency hopping Input amplitude, such as level setting. Input timing for pulse modulation. Adding I&Q modulation, to setup a lot of different kind of modulation to meet each application requirements.
- Digital input keys
Digital input keys will input digital and units for frequency, amplitude and timing. When units key is clicked, the commend is sending to USB dongle. This standalone input key is similar to desktop equipment. It will be better to be used in touch screen PC without keypad.
- USB connection area
When USB device plug in the PC, USB connection area will be shown the product model name, S/N and connection status. When connected is shown, the device is really connected to TSG application, TSG will fully control the USB device.