The Tramex MEP Moisture Encounter Plus is a non-destructive overall building inspection moisture meter which has applications for numerous industries. It has many unique features that make moisture measurement and evaluation fast, precise and versatile.
The Tramex MEP is a non-invasive complete building inspection tool which has applications for numerous industries. It has many unique features that makes non-destructive moisture measurement and evaluation fast, precise and versatile.
Product Design
The MEP Moisture Encounter Plus detects and evaluates moisture conditions within various building materials by non-destructively measuring the electrical impedance. A low frequency electronic signal is transmitted into the material via the electrodes in the base of the instrument. The strength of this signal varies in proportion to the amount of moisture in the material under test. The MEP determines the strength of the current and converts this to a moisture content value, displaying it on a large clear analogue dial.
Used and trusted by generations of professionals worldwide for the purpose of:
- Locating moisture related problems within and behind a variety of building materials in the building envelope.
- Mapping the extent of moisture damage caused to buildings.
- Monitoring progressive drying conditions in the drying
Research demonstrates that termites can relocate free water to dry resources. Furthermore, areas of more than or equal to 20 percent moisture are strong indicators of termite activity. Inspectors should not focus strictly on moisture-prone areas, as termites can relocate water to dry areas.
The Tramex Moisture Encounter Plus is a very useful tool for deciding optimal placement of above ground bait stations. A moisture meter also can be a useful monitoring tool during follow-up inspections after a termite treatment. Assessing moisture level changes (or lack thereof) pre- and post-treatment can be useful in determining whether or not further investigation is warranted.