Arbitrary Waveform Generators AWG2005 Characteristics Standard Waveshapes Sine, square, triangle, ramp, noise, arbitrary, linked sequence, and DC. Arbitrary Waveforms Execution Memory - Waveform: 64 k (65,535) for each channel. Marker: 64 k for each channel. Waveform Size: 16 to 64 k in multiples of 16. Real-time Sequence Memory - 8 k individual waveforms. Loop Counter - Waveform: 1 to 64 k repeats. Sequence: 1 to 64 k repeats. Catalog Memory - 2 MB. Catalog Memory Clock Frequency Range - 0.01 Hz to 20 MHz. Resolution - Standard: 4 digits. With Option 05: 7 digits. Accuracy - Standard: 50 ppm (+15 °C to +30 °C). Option 05: 5 ppm (+15 °C to +30 °C). Operating Modes Continuous - Output waveform/sequence continuous at programmed parameters. Triggered - Output quiescent until triggered by an external, GPIB, or manual trigger; generates a waveform/sequence only one time. Gated - Same as continuous mode except period is executed only for the duration of the gated signal until the sequence is completed. Seq/Wfm Advance - Continuous: Continuously outputs the waveform/sequence in the Sequence file. The next trigger advances to the next waveform/sequence. Master/Slave Operation. Step - Output quiescent until triggered; then execute the next waveform/sequence in the Sequence file. When the loop count reaches its value, output stops and waits for next trigger. Auto Step - Continuous: Continuously outputs the waveform/sequence in the Auto Step file. Step: Output quiescent until triggered. Master - Provides Point Rate Clock and Trigger to a slave arbitrary waveform generator for phase synchronous parallel operation. Slave - Receives Clock and Trigger from a system clock for parallel operation. Main Output Digital-to-analog Resolution - 12 Bits. Output Impedance - 50 O. Amplitude (1 MHz Clock, 000 and FFF Waveform Data, Norm, No Filter, No Offset, Excluding and ADD Operation) - Range: 0.05 V to 10 Vp-p into 50 O. Resolution: 1 mV (4 digits). DC accuracy: 0.050 V to 0.999 V, ±(0.5% of amplitude + 5 mV); 1.000 V to 10.000 V, ±(1% of amplitude + 50 mV). Offset - Range: -5.0 V to +5.0 V into 50 O (-200 mA to +200 mA). Resolution: 5 mV (4 digits). Accuracy (1 MHz clock, 7FF waveform data, norm, no filter, amplitude range 0.05 V): -±(1% of offset + 10 mV). Pulse Response (20 MHz clock, 000 and FFF waveform data, norm, no filter, amplitude 5 V, no offset) - Rise/fall time: <35 ns. Flatness: Within ±3% after 150 ns from rise/fall edges. Aberrations: Within ±7%. Cross Talk Between Channels - 512-point sine, 20 MHz clock, norm, no filter, amplitude offset. <70 dBc. Noise Floor - 20 MHz clock, 7FFF waveform data, norm, no filter, no offset. 0.5 V: =110 dBm/Hz at 1 MHz. 5.0 V: =95 dBm/Hz at 1 MHz. Sinewave Characteristics - Function Generator mode, 100 Hz to 200 kHz, no offset. Flatness (1 V amplitude, 1 kHz reference): Within -4%. T.H.D. (Including up to 4th harmonics): =55 dBc at 5.0 V. Auxiliary Outputs Marker - Amplitude: >2 V into 50 O. Impedance: 50 O. Marker to signal delay: 35 ns. Clock - Amplitude: >2 V into 50 O. Impedance: 50 O. Control Sig. - Amplitude: >2 V into 50 O. Impedance: 50 O. Sweep (Opt. 05) - Waveshape: Same waveshape as selected sweep. Amplitude: 0 to 5 V (amplitude is dependent upon start and stop frequencies with a 5 V maximum limit). Impedance: 600 O. Digital Data Out (Opt. 04 eliminates RS-232 interface) - Output signals (CH 1 and CH 2): D0 to D11, Clock. Level: TTL. Amplitude: 2 V into 50 O. Skew between data: Within ±10 ns. Clock to data delay: Within ±10 ns. Impedance: 50 O. Auxiliary Inputs Trigger - Threshold level: -5 V to +5 V. Resolution: 0.1 V. Accuracy: ±(5% of Level + 0.1 V). Minimum pulse width: 150 ns. Minimum input swing: 0.2 Vp-p. Maximum input volts: ±10 V (DC + peak AC). Impedance: 10 kO. Trigger to signal delay: Internal Clock, 400 ns (excluding clock sweep mode). AM (512-point Sine, 20 MHz Clock, AM, No Filter, 5 V Amplitude, No Offset) - Range: 2 Vp-p (-1 V to +1 V) for 100% modulation. Amplitude accuracy: Within 5%. Maximum input volts: -5 V (DC + peak AC). Impedance: 10 kO. ADD (512-point Sine, 20 MHz Clock, Add, No Filter, 5 V Amplitude, No Offset) - Range: 10 Vp-p (-5 V to +5 V). Amplitude accuracy: Amplitude specification plus 5%. Maximum input volts: -5 V (DC + peak AC). Impedance: 50 O. Control Sig. - Threshold level: TTL level (0.8 V to 2.0 V). Minimum pulse width: 40 ns. Maximum input volts: 5 V to 0 V. Impedance: 10 kO. Clock - Threshold level: TTL level (0.8 V to 2.0 V). Minimum pulse width: 20 ns. Maximum input volts: 5 V to 0 V. Impedance: External Clock, 330 O; Slave Mode, 10 kO. Frequency range: 1 Hz to 20 MHz. Sweep (Opt. 05 only) - Type: Linear, log, arbitrary. Mode: Continuous, triggered, gated. Update rate: 1 s to 65,535 ms. Points per sweep: 8 K maximum. Function Generator Waveform Shape - (Predefined 100 pt. waveforms). Sine, Triangle, Square, Ramp, Pulse (1 MHz filter is inserted when Sine is selected). Frequency - 1.000 Hz to 200 kHz. Duty Cycle - 0% to 100%, Pulse only. Programmable Interface GPIB - IEEE 488.2-1987 compatible. RS-232 - 9-Pin D connector.