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Tektronix QAM400A DTV Monitor

0 reviews | Model: Tektronix QAM400A

Tektronix QAM400A DTV Monitor for TS and RF Cable Network Monitoring

  • Comprehensive confidence monitoring at the RF modulated layer with optional QAM Annex A, B, or C interfaces, as well as MER (up to 37 db typical), BER, and Constellation displays. These critical RF measurements provide early indication of signal degradation before any picture impairment is visible to the end customer without additional costly RF test equipment
  • Unique dual-level alarming and seven-day trend information proactively identifies impending problems before they become visible to the viewer
  • FlexVu™ uniquely empowers operations staff with the simplest information necessary to prove their service is delivering above their defined thresholds for superior Quality of Service (QoS)
  • Powerful diagnostic user interface provides intelligent hierarchical views of network information, media, and data, allowing engineers to rapidly identify the root cause of underlying service problems
  • Multilayer, multichannel, remote monitoring and measurement at RF and TS layers to DVB, ATSC, SCTE, DCII, and ISDB-T/Tb standards with content-checking support for both MPEG-2 and H.264/AVC
  • Comprehensive user-defined template monitoring ensures right content at the right place at the right time while content-ratings checking ensures only appropriate content broadcast
  • Simultaneous connection of multiple remote users and Network Management Systems (NMS) provides early visibility of problems to key individuals throughout the organization to support quicker corrective action
  • Embedded architecture designed specifically for continuous 24×7 operation maximizes service assurance, thus minimizing cost of customer complaints and equipment maintenance (disk-free operation)
  • Remote recording allows capture and analysis of stream events for expert offline analysis to diagnose difficult and intermittent problems, requiring no engineer site visits
  • Highly scalable and field-upgradeable monitoring solution to tailor capital expenditure with operational growth
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List Price: $11,400.00

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