The inrush function makes it possible to graphically display switch on behavior. Triggering can be either manual or edge based (pos./neg.) when user defined voltage or current thresholds are reached. 8192 samples are acquired at all times with a logging period of 16 ms to 67 s.
Harmonic Analysis
Harmonic analysis can be displayed in a table or graph or even logarithmically for better readability. The bargraph can optionally show up to the 50th harmonic of voltage and/or current. The bargraph shows the amplitude of the harmonic selected with the cursor.
Waveform Function
The waveform function shows the voltage, current and power of an input signal period over time. The example shows a load with phase-angle control.
Trend Chart Function
The trend chart function makes it possible to observe longer periods of time and can be displayed on up to two channels. 15 selectable measurands are available, e.g. U, I, P, S, Q, F. The y-axis is scaled in line with progress. The time axis can be varied from 5 s/div to 10 min/div.