Rohde & Schwarz HMC8015 - Power Analyzer without GPIB
Power measurement range: 50 µW to 12 kW
- Analog bandwidth: DC to 100 kHz
- Sampling rate: 500 ksample/s
- Basic accuracy: 0.05 %
The R&S HMC8015 power analyzer is the first compact tester for AC/DC load and standby current characterization that enables measurements without additional tools such as a computer or remote infrastructure. In addition to a numerical and graphical display with 26 key parameters, the instrument delivers performance and compliance protocols in line with IEC 62301, EN 50564 and EN 61000-3-2.
The power analyzer is the only instrument in its class that graphically displays harmonic analysis up to the 50th harmonic on the logarithmic scale. Its user-configurable, dual-channel trend chart function for U, I, P, S, Q and F etc. is unique as well. The instrument's 5 V measurement range provides embedded developers with a previously unattainable level of resolution for power and energy measurements.
The R&S HMC8015 also sets new standards when it comes to documentation. It simultaneously displays up to 10 user-configurable measurands with a refresh rate of 10 measurements per second. A logging function makes it possible to store this data with a timestamp in CSV format for a nearly unlimited period of time. Screen content can also be saved to a USB flash drive anytime at the push of a button.
A PASS/FAIL function enables users to monitor numerous measurands either on the instrument's display or externally via an analog/digital output on the rear panel. The inrush function captures and graphically displays inrush current and voltage waveforms
Enhanced functions
HOC151 / HVC151 Advanced Analysis Option
The advanced analysis option complements the base unit's measurands by also displaying peak values for voltage, current and power. These are acquired seamlessly at the full sampling rate of 500 ksample/s. The following additional graphic functions are available.
Inrush function
The inrush function makes it possible to graphically display switch-on behavior (see picture on next page). Triggering can be either manual or edge-based (pos./neg.) when user-defined voltage or current thresholds are reached. 8192 samples are acquired at all times with a logging period of 16 ms to 67 s. |
Harmonic analysis
Harmonic analysis can be displayed in a table or graph or even logarithmically for better readability. The bargraph can optionally show up to the 50th harmonic of voltage and/or current. The bargraph shows the amplitude of the harmonic selected with the cursor. |
Waveform function
The waveform function shows the voltage, current and power of an input signal period over time. The example shows a load with phase-angle control.
Trend chart function
The trend chart function makes it possible to observe longer periods of time and can be displayed on up to two channels. 15 selectable measurands are available, e.g. U, I, P, S, Q, F. The y-axis is scaled in line with progress. The time axis can be varied from 5 s/div to 10 min/div. |
HOC152 / HVC152 Advanced I/O Option
The advanced I/O option activates the following additional functions:
Sensor input
A current-proportional voltage of 100 mV, 1 V or 4 V (full-scale amplitude) can be applied to the sensor input (4 mm safety connectors) in order to significantly expand the power measurement range. Current probes, current transformers and shunts can be connected to the input. The gradient (e.g. mV/A) can be set individually.
PASS/FAIL function
The PASS/FAIL function can be used to monitor up to six user-defined (upper or lower) limits, which can be selected from a total of 14 measurands (e.g. U, I, P, S, Q, F). The results appear on the display or are transferred to another device connected via the analog or digital output on the rear panel. The analog output delivers voltage proportional to the limits (±5 V).
Four BNC ports on the rear panel can be assigned to various sources/sinks. The analog output allows users to choose either limits (PASS/FAIL) or measurands U, I or P as a source.
The signal at the analog input (±10 V) can be displayed on the screen with 16-bit resolution as well. The digital output can be assigned to the limit (PASS/FAIL) or the measurement frequency used. The signal at the digital input is available as additional information on the display as status (0/1), frequency (up to 200 kHz) or PWM (0 to 100 %). Both inputs are loggable.
HOC153 / HVC153 Compliance Test Option
This option includes wizards for the IEC 62301 (standby), EN 50564 (extended standby) and EN 61000-3-2 (harmonic current for EMC, CE approval) standards, making it possible to carry out autonomous measurements without PC. The results are displayed in a table on the screen and can be saved to a USB flash drive in HTML format.
Optional Accessories
The HZC50 (30 A) and HZC51 (1000 A) AC/DC current probes significantly extend the power measurement range of the R&S HMC8015. Current probes are connected to the sensor input using a 4 mm safety connector. The HZC815 adapter makes it easy and safe to connect a DUT to the R&S HMC8015. The DUT is powered via the appliance coupler on the top of the adapter.