1. POWER (button)
Power switch and led
2. REMOTE (Button)
The REMOTE button is lit, if the instrument is operated via the interface. Return to manual mode by depressing the REMOTE button is possible, provided that the instrument is not in the local lockout state.
3. Display (LCD)
Display for signal parameters. The frequency resolution is 5 digit. The output voltage is indicated as V pp (open circuit) on a 3 digit display. When SWEEP mode is active the display indicates sweep time, start frequency or stop frequency. If PULSE WIDTH is selected, the frequency display is replaced by the display for pulse width. Similar applies to the voltage display. When OFFSET is selected, the display indicates the DC offset value (open circuit).
4. Rotary knob
Knob for setting the signal parameters
5. (Buttons)
Cursor keys for shifting the cursor to the position to be changed
6. ÷10 and x10 (Buttons)
Buttons for decadic parameter changing
7. OFFSET (Button): Button for activating the offset function. The output signal is superimposed with a DC voltage. The OFFSET button is illuminated, if the offset is activated.
8. OUTPUT (Button) Button for activation of the output. The output is on, if this button is illuminated.
9. INVERT (Button)Button for inversion of ramps, pulses and arbitary signals. If the INVERT function is activated with the sine wave, square wave or triangel function, the signal is 180 degrees phase shifted with respect to the trigger signal (TRIG. OUTPUT) . The button is illuminated, if the function is active.
10. OUTPUT (BNC socket): Signal output, impedance 50 Ω
11. OFFSET (Button): Button for activation of the offset setting mode. The OFFSET button is illuminated, if the offset can be changed using the rotary knob and the
(5) buttons or the ÷10 (6) and x10 (13) buttons.
12. AMPL (Button): Button for activation of the frequency setting mode. The AMPL button is illuminated, if the signal amplitude can be changed using the rotary knob and the
(5) buttons or the ÷10 (6) and x10
(13) buttons.
14. PULSE WIDTH (Button): Button for activation of the pulse width setting mode. The PULSE WIDTH button is illuminated, if the PULSE WIDTH can be changed using the rotary knob and the
(5) buttons or the ÷10 (6) and x10
(13) buttons.
15. FREQ (Button): Button for activation of the amplitude setting mode. The FREQ button is illuminated, if the frequency can be changed using the rotary knob and the
(5) buttons or the ÷10 (6) and x10
(13) buttons.
16. SWEEP (Buttons): Selection of the parameters for sweep mode. Sweep time (TIME), start frequency (START) and stop frequency (STOP) can be set indepently from each other. The settings can also be accomplished during sweep. The modification is carried out immediately. The sweep function is active, if the ON button is illuminated.
17. FUNCTION (Buttons): Selection of the signal: sine wave
, square wave
, triangle
, pulse
, ramp
, arbitrary
The button of the selected signal is illuminated.
18. GATED (Button)
Activation of the gated mode. The button is illuminated, if the function is active.
19. TRIG‘d (Button)
Activation of the triggered mode. The button is illuminated, if the function is active.
20. GATE / TRIG INPUT (BNC socket) Input for trigger and gate signals