Categories and math operators |
Arithmetic: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Ceil, Floor, Fix, Round, Absolute, Invert, Common, Rescale.
Algebra: Exponentiation (e), Exponentiation (10), Exponentiation (a), Logarithm (e), Logarithm (10), Logarithm (a), Differentiate, Integrate, Square, Square Root, Cube, Power (a), Inverse, Square Root of the Sum.
Trigonometry: Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Cotangent, ArcSine, Arc Cosine, ArcTangent, Arc Cotangent, Hyperbolic Sine, Hyperbolic Cosine, Hyperbolic Tangent, Hyperbolic Cotangent.
FFT: Complex FFT, FFT Magnitude, FFT Phase, FFT Real part, FFT Imaginary part, Complex Inverse FFT, FFT Group Delay. Bit operator: AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, XNOR, NOT.
Miscellaneous: Autocorrelation, Correlation, Convolution, Track, Trend, Linear Interpolation, Sin(x)/x Interpolation, Smoothing.
Formula editor: Build math waveforms using the Formula Editor control window. |
FFT frequency span: Frequency Span = Sample Rate / 2 = Record Length / (2 × Time base Range) FFT frequency resolution: Frequency Resolution = Sample Rate / Record Length
FFT windows: The built-in filters (Rectangular, Hamming, Hann, Flattop, Blackman–Harris and Kaiser–Bessel) allow optimization of frequency resolution, transients, and amplitude accuracy.
FFT measurements: Marker measurements can be made on frequency, delta frequency, magnitude, and delta magnitude. Marker measurements can be made on frequency, delta frequency, magnitude, and delta magnitude.
Automated FFT Measurements include: FFT Magnitude, FFT Delta Magnitude, THD, FFT Frequency, and FFT Delta Frequency. |