The Practical Instrument Electronics Model 512 RTD Calibrator provides direct temperature calibration to all types of instruments such as transmitters, recorders, controllers, alarms, data acquisition, and computer systems. Also, the Model 512 reads RTD outputs and displays in temperature. It is compatible with pulsed systems and transmitters (like the Rosemount 3144.) 2, 3, or 4 wire connections are detected automatically. The Model 512 is a superior replacement for decade boxes, eliminating the need for lugging around large equipment and the possibility of misreading RTD tables.
Select from 7 RTD types to source/read in °C or °F with 0.1 ° resolution. Or, select Ω for direct resistance source/read capability.
Use the EZ-Check Switch to quickly switch between three stored temperature/ Ω outputs. It’s easy to customize these values to your application. In read mode, the EZ-Check Switch recalls minimum and maximum readings. Store/Clear memory with a press of the EZ-Dial Knob.
The Practical Instrument Electronics Model 512 offers the highest performance and functions in its class by exceeding the accuracy and functions of many higher priced RTD calibrators. It is a low cost solution for checkout and calibration of all RTD instruments in the field, shop or control room. Contact Practical Instruments Electronics for custom RTD curves, ranges, or special requirements not provided by the Model 512.