Orifice Plates & Flanges Precision Instruments for Pressure, Flow, Temperature and Level
Orifice Plates - Model 951
Meriam Instrument provides orifice plates designed and manufactured to AGA, ISA, ASME and ISO-5167 standards. Tolerances and specifications are tightly controlled for greatest precision and reliability. Materials available include 304SS, 316SS, Monel, Inconel and Hastelloy. Plates can be designed for all ANSI flange ratings and standard pressure tap locations. Calculations as well as flow versus differential pressure and temperature and pressure correction curves are available.
Orifice Flanges - Model 952
Meriam raised face orifice flange unions are designed to provide a convenient, accurate method for installing orifice plates. They incorporate accurately positioned pressure taps for connecting the flow measuring instruments. This eliminates the requirement of locating pressure taps in the field. Improper location of these taps will result in poor accuracy of the flow measuring system. These built-in taps also reduce field installation labor necessary for welding, drilling and/or tapping pressure taps on the flow line itself. Meriam orifice flanges are provided complete with nuts, bolts, gaskets, and plugs for installation with no other parts required. Contact Meriam or your local representative for dimensional information and special pipe sizes.
To order Meriam orifice flanges, specify:
- Model
- Line Size
- Material
- Pressure Rating
- Line Connections