Mark-10 EMP003-1 - Advanced Functionality Package (for F105-EM / F305-EM / F505-EM / F505H-EM)
Advanced functionality package (EMP003-1) includes:
- Cycling (EMF006-1)
- Break Detection (EMF007-1)
- Load Holding (EMF008-1)
- FollowMe (EMF009-1)
Cycling: Set up to 100,000 cycles, with user-defined upper and lower dwell times. Cycle between any combination of limit switches, travel limits, breaks, and load limits.
Break Detection: Stop when a user-defined drop in force occurs.
Load Holding/; Stop at, and maintain, a user-defined load for a specified period of time.
FollowMe®: Push and pull on the sensor’s loading shaft to jog the crosshead up and down, ideal for manual positioning prior to a test. Speed increases with applied force.