Model 953 offers both spectrum analyzer functions and multiple/single bargraph level readings for TV, CATV, FM, wireless mic and many other RF services covering the range of 5 to 1030 MHz. Totally portable and easily programmed, it combines the time saving power of auto search and ranging with lookup tables for broadcast and cable frequency assignments used in the USA and throughout the world.
The spectrum analyzer function covers the range of 5 to 1030 MHz with control of center frequency, span (sweep width from 10 MHz to 1 GHz with automatic resolution selection of 100 kHz, 330 kHz or 1 MHz), attenuation, reference level, video filter, sensitivity and dB/div. A moveable cursor reads out frequency and level at selected points on the display.
As a level meter, the 953 bargraphs show 8 to 128 channels simultaneously with automatic or manual settings for reference level and scale factor. A moveable cursor reads out level and frequency for each displayed channel and a single-channel display for the channel picked by the cursor may be shown. The single-channel display includes coarse and fine bargraphs for level.
Measuring programs may be set up manually or from AUTO SEARCH and edited to meet the needs of individual systems. Up to 50 measuring programs may be stored as well as 512 sets of measured data. Programs and stored data may be loaded into a PC via an RS-232C interface and programs may also be transferred between 953 units. Special measurements include video and sound carrier levels, NICAM, carrier S/N, hum and cable-carried AC/DC volts. Stability is also measured with level notation at selected time intervals, the 953 also provides hard copy in spectrum, bargraph or numerical notation using the dedicated printer, Model 712.