SDI Signal Generating Function
SDI signals covering HD-SDI to 12G-SDI are supported, and 4K video format of Quad Link 3G-SDI and 8K video format of Quad Link 12G-SDI are also supported. Patterns can be output in the form of an HD multi-format color bar, 4K multi-format color bar, HDR color bar, etc.
Monitor output connectors
The SDI OUTPUT connector and TMDS OUTPUT connector transmit the instrument’s screen to a full high definition (1920×1080) display for monitoring purposes.
Capture Feature
A screen capture feature, which captures the entire display as still-image data, is available. Not only captured data can be displayed on the instrument, but it can also be compared with an input signal or saved to a USB memory device as bitmap data for viewing on a PC.
A frame capture feature (4K 2-screen display is not supported; only FRM format is supported for 8K) is also available. Frames, including the blanking interval, can be captured. You can set the frame capture function mode to manual or auto, which captures frames when errors occur.
The frame capture data can be viewed and searched through on a PC using a frame capture viewer.
Time Code Display
The timecodes embedded in SDI signals can be displayed. The timecode can also be used as the timestamp in the event log.
External Remote Connector
A contact terminal can be used to load presets, switch the input signal, and transmit alarms.
Ethernet Port
The following features become available when you connect the instrument to a PC: remote control through TELNET, file transfer through FTP, remote control and alarm generation through SNMP, remote control from a Web browser through HTTP, and internal clock synchronization through SNTP. Using the LV7290 REMOTE CONTROLLER (sold separately) allows up to eight LV5900As to be remote-controlled.