High Voltage Differential Probe (1500 V Peak, 70 MHz)
Teledyne Test Tools new T3HVD range of high voltage differential probes are wide bandwidth active differential voltage probes, featuring models with bandwidths up to 200 MHz bandwidth, voltages up to ± 7000 V (DC + Peak AC), fast and accurate waveform capture, measurement accuracy of ± 2 % and low test circuit loading. These probes can be used with any oscilloscope having a 1 MΩ BNC input.
- Power electronics.
- Multi-phase motor drives (electric vehicles, etc).
- Inverters and power conversion.
- Domestic and industrial photo-voltaic (PV) system design.
- General vehicle electronics.
- Power supply design.
- Floating voltage measurements.
- Domestic appliances (washing machines, induction hobs, etc).
- Research and development.
- Universities, general electronics and education.