FieldFox Handheld Combination Microwave Analyzer (26.5 GHz)
The Keysight N9918B is a handheld combination microwave analyzer. The standard model has a frequency range of 30 kHz to 26.5 GHz and has the following functionalities:
- Cable and antenna analysis
- Measurements: DTF (dB, linear, VSWR), return loss and DTF, return loss (dB), and 1-port cable loss
- Calibrations: CalReady, OSL, and response calibration
- Note: 2-port insertion loss is NOT included with the base model. If 2-port insertion loss is needed, order Option 210
- Note: Base analyzer does not have phase information. For S11 or S21 phase, order Option 210
What is a combination analyzer? / Information on options
This FieldFox model is referred to as a combination analyzer, which is a device with multiple testing capabilities.
- Combination analyzer (combo) = Cable and antenna tester (CAT) + Vector network analyzer (VNA) + Signal analyzer (SA)
Vector network analysis and spectrum analysis are available with software options.
There are over 30 optional features available, enabling users to customize this instrument to their specific application. For detailed information regarding options, please view this document beginning on page 4.
Further information on software features can also be viewed in the FieldFox software guide.
Options can be added to your order from the accessories section on the left side of this page.
For information on the other models in the FieldFox series, please see the selection information further below on this page.
Cable and antenna analysis (CAT)
Fifty to sixty percent of microwave-link equipment issues are related to cables, antennas, and connectors. Degraded feeder lines cause poor coverage, link failures, and reduced sensitivity in the receive path. To maintain microwave link quality, it is critical to keep cable and antenna systems in good working condition. FieldFox is uniquely qualified to provide all the necessary measurements to troubleshoot and maintain these systems.