Modules sold separately
The E3460A contains two slots on its rear panel for up to two modules.
Please click here for detailed specifications beginning on page 6 - product output will differ based on input voltage.
Keysight offers the E4361A and E4362A module series for use with this mainframe. Each series can be viewed through the links below.
***If you are using less than two modules, an E4369A filler module must be installed in the empty slot. E4369A sold separately.***
When you first turn on the E4360A Modular SAS mainframe, the mainframe automatically senses the voltage available from the AC line. If the AC line voltage is < 180 Vac, the mainframe automatically scales back the available output power to prevent overloading the AC line cord.
The E4360A will limit the mainframe output power to 600 W allowing the high-power mainframe to be plugged into any standard outlet. If there is only one module installed then full power will be available from that module. When two modules are installed, the output power of each module would be cut in half (300W per module). This is very convenient for the initial bench checkout of the SAS. It is also very convenient for test development, which is typically done on the bench when DUT is not yet driven to full power.