Product Layout
1. Fast Waveform Update Rate: Fast 200,000 waveforms/sec update rate helps you quickly see random and infrequent signal glitches and errors
2. Analyze Features Mask: Limit Testing DVM Frequency Response Analysis Serial Bus Decode Reference waveforms (2)
3. Measurements: Press the measure key to access 32 built-in automatic measurements
4. DVM/Counter: Integrated 3-digit voltmeter 5-digit frequency counter
5. USB: Screenshots and data can be quickly and easily saved with a built-in USB port and your USB storage device
6. Training Signals: Built-in education training kit signals with a downloadable training guide
7. Function Generator: Built-in generator enables you to generate the signals you need to quickly simulate your design and perform gain & phase Bode plots
8. Built-in Localized-help: All buttons provide instant access to language-localized help by simply holding down the button you want to be explained
9. Industry-leading User Interface: Fast and easy operation with the common oscilloscope controls right at your fingertips
10. Waveform Math Tools: Quick access to waveform math (+ - × ÷), FFT (gain and phase), and low-pass filter
11. Cursors: Custom measurements are easily accomplished by cursors. Measure any value or the difference using four powerful cursors