Tip Cleaner for Robot (Fiber Brushes)
CLMRP and CLMR are automatic tip cleaners with two motorized brushes. They feature a large-capacity collecting container with easy extraction and a wide opening for easy access to the soldering tip.
Perform a thorough and gentle tip cleaning increasing heat transfer and maximizing the soldering quality in less than 1 second. CL2008 Fiber Brushes supplied provides a soft cleaning, especially recommended in regular usage to improve tip life.
A Digital input signal from the robot triggers or stops the brush rotation.
Its opening provides easy tip access while also keeping the work area free of foreign particles (FOD). The solder residue is collected in a large capacity tray with easy extraction extending maintenance intervals and increasing productivity.
CLMR Tip Cleaner is also available, equipped with CL1008 Metal Brushes that provide a deep cleaning, especially recommended when tip recovery is needed.