TREND Networks


TREND Networks (Formerly IDEAL Networks) specializes in tools for the telecom and datacomm industries. The company was founded in 2010 out of several important acquisitions within the industry.

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TREND Networks (Formerly IDEAL Networks) was formed to address the ever growing market for network tools. Its parent company, TREND Networks Industries, was founded about 100 years ago. The company began manufacturing network and LAN tools in the early 2000s and through acquisitions of other network tool manufacturers like Wavetek and Trend Communications, TREND Networks was born in 2010. These acquisitions provided their own unique experience in local network certification and telecom, respectively, and strengthened TREND Networks' already solid experience base in network tool production.

Today TREND Networks manufactures testers for almost all of the most common network applications. These include data cable testers, network testers, and telecom/enterprise testers.

TREND Networks data cable testers are available for both copper and fiber cable verification applications. For copper, TREND Networks offers testers for tracing, transmission testing, certification, and security testing in addition to cable verification. For fiber testing TREND Networks offers visual fault finders, certifiers, testers, and OTDR testers.

TREND Networks also offers unique network testers which help to isolate network problems and solve them fast. These testers get to the heart of any connectivity issues by addressing possible root causes including incorrect IP configuration, rogue network services, network bandwidth issues and PoE supply problems. Transmission testers, trouble shooters, and in-line network troubleshooters are available.

TREND Networks telecom testers are quite versatile as they allow for mobile backhaul and broadband access with copper, fiber, and wireless networks. TREND Networks currently offers G.SHDSL testers, ADSL testers, and carrier transmission testers for these applications. These tools are capable of testing carrier service turn-up, mobile backhaul link, and microwave and wireless link as well as monitoring SLA performance.

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