The MAVOSPEC BASE is a high-quality, miniaturized spectrometer for routine daily measurement of all conventional and modern light sources such as LEDs and OLEDs. All characteristic measured quantities such as illuminance, correlated color temperature, color rendering index, color coordinates in accordance with various CIE standards, flicker, spectral power distribution, peak wavelength and dominant wavelength are determined for the measured spectrum and displayed such that they can be understood by experts as well as laypersons.
We developed the Mavospec Base in order to make precise and easy photometry possible for everyone - whenever and wherever you need it. All measured quantities which are relevant for light such as illuminance, correlated color temperature, color rendering index, color coordinates in accordance with various CIE standards, flicker, spectral power distribution, peak wavelength and dominant wavelength are determined for the measured spectrum and displayed such that they can be understood by experts as well as laypersons.
Documented Light Quality - for Reliable Production and Verifiable Results
Mavospec Base stores measured values to the integrated SD card. These measured values are conveniently transmitted to the PC via the USB port. Evaluations can be conducted in a simple and adaptable fashion with the help of the included Excel sample reports including graphic visualization. Trouble-free incorporation into customer systems and applications is also made possible by the open interface protocol.
Six factors determine how your light is perceived.
Spectral power distribution, color temperature, illuminance and other factors make light unique in each given situation. The Mavospec Base ascertains all relevant values, so that you can optimize your light for any specied requirements.
SPECTRAL POWER DISTRIBUTION - represents the radiant power of a light source for a wavelength or a waveband in the visible range. It provides us with information about color characteristics and can be used to compare the color temperature of different light sources. Information can be inferred from this regarding color rendering properties, because missing or attenuated portions of the spectrum result in color rendering errors.
COLOR COORDINATES - are a means of precisely defining a color, i.e. a color’s chromaticity as specified by the coordinates of the CIE diagram. The human eye is equipped with sensory cells for the perception of the three primary colors, namely red, green and blue. Photopic curves for the standard observer were ascertained in 1931 by the CIE and indicate sensitivity for the individual wavelength ranges.
ILLUMINANCE - indicates with how much intensity a surface is illuminated. It amounts to one lux when a luminous flux of one lumen illuminates a surface of one square meter. Luxmeters are used to measure illuminance at horizontal and vertical surfaces. However, illuminance does not indicate the brightness impression of a room, because this depends to a great extent on the room’s reflective characteristics. As a rule, uniform light distribution is not achieved with normal lighting, for which reason specifications in the standards usually make reference to mean illuminance This value is calculated as the weighted arithmetic mean of all illuminance values in the room.
COLOR TEMPERATURE - is a function which is used to quantitatively specify the respective color impression of a light source. The unit of measure for color temperature is degrees Kelvin (K). In concrete terms, it’s the temperature whose light effect is most similar to the color to be described at uniform brightness under specified observation conditions.
FLICKER - is the designation for fluctuation in the brightness of the light due to voltage fluctuation. The perception threshold for changes in luminance is a frequency-dependent quantity which indicates as of which relative change in luminance at a specified frequency perception takes place. These fluctuations have an impact on human health. A good LED driver smooths out voltage fluctuation and prevents flicker. The flicker value is a measure for the quality of the lamp or light fixture, and should be as low as possible.
Precision comes from experience, know-how and perfect calibration at regular intervals.
We are the experts for the measurement of light with decades of experience in our chosen field of endeavor. It’s not without reason that the name GOSSEN stands for continuous innovation - in response to rapidly changing technologies, regulations and markets. And thus the Mavospec Base with intuitive user interface is one of the most accurate and reliable spectrometers in its class, and reflects the most up-to-date technology available on the market.
However, like all other precision light meters, this product also requires regular maintenance, recalibration and software updates in order to continuously full performance capabilities within the stipulated tolerances and specifications.
Calibrated for the Most Exacting Demands
We recommend a calibration interval of 12 to 24 months for the Mavospec. Recalibration is conducted at the GOSSEN Light Lab with a tested and monitored optical table, whose trace-ability to the national standard maintained by the PTB (German Federal Institute of Physics and Metrology) is assured by means of a Wi41G standard lamp. The lab is subject to test equipment monitoring in accordance with DINENISO9001-9004, and is additionally accredited by DAkkS for illuminance. This assures top quality calibration with international recognition.