Do I need the 226B’s extra resolution?
The answer to this question depends on how you use the camera, but the 223B is absolutely a functional alternative for many applications.
As mentioned previously, the 226B has more pixels to work with. In any image, it is taking 110,592 individual measurements, so in any area of the picture, there is a high density of pixels. This makes it possible to measure from longer distances – if the testing subject is 9 feet away, the camera is still sensitive enough to measure a small spot on the face. It can even measure entire groups at the same time, although the FDA does not recommend this and in a practical scenario with proper social distancing, it could not happen.
Therefore, in considering the 223B and its 19,200 pixels, it is important to consider how it will be used. The FDA does not recommend screening multiple people simultaneously, nor does it recommend scanning lines which are moving.
This leaves us with stationary testing subjects – people form a line at the entrance to a facility and are screened one at a time. The 223B is absolutely suited for this task, and its facial detection software helps to automate the process. It automatically detects when someone has entered the frame and beings to take their temperature. Screening personnel are able to maintain social distancing and are alerted in the event of a possible temperature abnormality. The 223B and 226B use the same powerful Artificial Intelligence and software package, providing the accuracy and dependability which Fotric users have come to expect.