Visibility Into Your Call Quality
AirMagnet VoFi Analyzer displays your network in terms of calls and call quality. AirMagnet's patent-pending technology scans all 802.11a/b/g devices, distinguishes between voice and data traffic, and automatically scores every call in terms of WiR-Value and WiMOS Score based on a variety of packet metrics, such as loss rate and jitter. The solution independently scores and tracks both sides of a call (AP to phone and phone to AP), allowing users to distinguish problems that are rooted on one side of the call. Each call is color-coded according to call quality, making it easy to visualize phones or calls with problems. This provides a full history of all calls on the network, and quickly reveals problems that are tied to a particular phone, channel or a given period in time.
Demystify Call Roaming
Smooth coordinated call roaming is a key to providing users with the mobility and seamless connectivity required from a wireless voice deployment. If these roaming events are not properly coordinated or if phones roam too often, it can lead to dropped calls. Utilizing multiple Wi-Fi adapters plugged into the PC, VoFi provides advanced details regarding all roaming transactions detected in the VoFi deployment. These details include possible reasons for the roaming instance, VoFi-specific data (such as WiMOS, Signal Strength, etc.) leading up to the attempt, and packet transmission rates for the conversation. This can help network staff to identify problem phones that may be constantly roaming or “thrashing” between APs or alternatively identify problems affecting an entire channel that may be causing many phones to roam.
AirWISE: Simple Answe r s to Complex Problems
AirMagnet VoFi Analyzer vastly simplifies troubleshooting voice problems with a specially adapted version of the AirWISE analysis engine that automatically diagnoses over 60 types of wireless call problems. The AirWISE engine constantly captures and analyzes live voice traffic to provide staff with immediate answers to their voice-over-WLAN problems. AirWISE covers all types of voice issues including QoS problems, roaming issues, power-save problems, overloaded devices, phone problems, fragmentation, one-way audio and much more. When a problem is detected, an AirWISE alarm explains the issue in detail, and names the specific phone, AP or channel at the heart of the issue. This allows network staff to immediately understand the source of voice problems and saves hours of time that would normally be spent manually investigating the problem.
Correlate Call Metrics
AirMagnet VoFi Analyzer users can simply click on a call to gain access to a wealth of detailed diagnostic information. The solution provides easy-to-read charts that correlate changes in call quality with more than 50 critical call metrics. For example, a user could use these charts to see if poor call quality was related to changes in packet jitter, signal quality or a spike in the number of users competing for the same AP. These call charts also show when roaming events occurred as well as when alarms were triggered, making it easy to place key events in relation to changes in performance. Users can choose from a library of pre-built graphs or construct their own from dozens of metrics including CRC errors, fragmentation, active call count, data utilization and much more.
View Calls in Context
AirMagnet VoFi Analyzer provides details on how each call fits in to the overall wireless environment. The application shows how many voice and data clients are competing for the same AP and channel resources. Additionally, the analyzer displays the relative amounts of voice and data traffic and also tracks key 802.11e statistics such as video, best effort and background traffic. Finally, the solution gives a complete connection history for all devices on the channel illustrating which devices have roamed the most.
Integration with Syslog-Capable Phones
One of the key capabilities found in the PRO version of the VoFi Analyzer is the ability to receive call diagnostic information directly from Cisco phones (Cisco 7921) and Spectralink phones (Netlink 8020, 8030, e340, h340, i640). This enables staff to gain additional insight into call performance from the unique perspective of the end-user. When this Syslog information is available, AirMagnet shows side-by-side comparisons of call quality readings taken from the air compared to those taken from the phone. Likewise, users can also chart a variety of statistics taken directly from the phones (jitter, loss rate, call quality etc) or even investigate Syslog data directly in the Decode View.<'p>
Integration with Cisco Call Manager
One of the key capabilities found in the PRO version of the VoFi Analyzer is the ability to receive call diagnostic information directly from Cisco phones (Cisco 7921) and Spectralink phones (Netlink 8020, 8030, e340, h340, i640). This enables staff to gain additional insight into call performance from the unique perspective of the end-user. When this Syslog information is available, AirMagnet shows side-by-side comparisons of call quality readings taken from the air compared to those taken from the phone. Likewise, users can also chart a variety of statistics taken directly from the phones (jitter, loss rate, call quality etc) or even investigate Syslog data directly in the Decode View.
Integration with Syslog-Capable Phones
VoFi PRO also offers the option to integrate with Cisco’s Call Manager and Call Manager Express to retrieve additional call information and diagnostics. This integration allows the VoFi Analyzer to retrieve the phone number associated with a particular call, investigate the termination reason for the call and collect a variety of call diagnostics such as latency, jitter, and lost and retried packet rates.