Non-Contact (Photo) Tachometer Measurements
1. Prepare for the Non-Contact measurement as described in the Measurement Preparation section above.
2. Use the MODE button (momentarily presses) to select RPM (rotations per minute) or Hz (Hertz: rotations per second) as the unit of measure.
3. Press and hold the MEASURE button to begin a measurement session. Hold the MEASURE button down for the duration of the test and release it to end the session.
4. Point the meter toward the device under test at a distance of 2" to 20" (50 to 500mm). Be sure to align the laser light beam with the reflective tape (see diagram above in previous section).
5. Verify that the ((( ))) monitor indicator appears on the LCD when the reflective tape passes through the light beam.
6. Read the measurement result from the LCD display.
7. When the MEASURE button is released the last reading will remain on the display for 5 to 10 seconds before the `Auto Power OFF' feature switches the meter OFF. The HOLD display icon will switch ON.
Non-Contact (Photo tachometer) Measurement Considerations
1. Bright ambient light may interfere with the reflected light beam. Shading the target area may be necessary in some cases.
2. The non-reflective area must always be larger than the reflective area.
3. If the shaft or rotating object is normally reflective, it must be covered with black tape or paint before the reflective tape is applied.
4. To improve repeatability of low RPM measurements, apply additional squares of reflective tape. Divide the reading shown on the display by the number of pieces of reflective tape squares to calculate the actual RPM.
Contact Tachometer Measurements
1. Prepare for Contact measurements as described in the Measurement Preparation section above.
2. Determine if Surface Speed or Length measurements are to be made. Refer to the section "Surface Speed and Length Measurement Modes" later in this guide for details.
3. Press and hold the MEASURE button.
4. Touch the measurement accessory (cone, wheel, or concave accessory) to the object under test.
5. Read the measurement result from the LCD display.
6. When the Measure button is released the last reading will remain on the display for 5 to 10 seconds before the `Auto Power OFF' feature switches the meter OFF. The HOLD display icon will switch ON.
7. To change the unit of measure, first release the MEASURE button. Then, momentary presses of the MODE button will step through the available units. Refer to the Specifications section and to the section below entitled "Surface Speed and Length Measurement Modes" for units of measure details.