Extech RHT50 Humidity / Temperature / Atmospheric Pressure Datalogger
Records Relative Humidity (0 to 100%RH), Temperature (-40 to 158°F /-40 to 70°C) and Atmospheric Pressure (13.7 to 15psi / 950 to 1050hPa / 95 to 105kPa / 0.9 to 1.0bar).Datalogs up to 10,000 readings with user programmable sample rate from 1 minute to 18 hours. USB interface for easy set-up and data download. Selectable Atmospheric Pressure Units: psi, hPa, kPa, and bar. User-programmable High/Low alarm thresholds.Manual and Programmable start modes.Status Indication via Red/Yellow LED and Green LED.
Measuring temperature from -40 to 158°F and humidity from 0 to 100%, the Extech RHT50 datalogger offers accuracies up to ±1.8°F and ±3.5% RH, respectively. The units for atmospheric pressure are selectable between psi, hPa, kPa and bar. The sampling rate is selectable from 1 minute to 18 hours. User-programmable min/max alarm thresholds make the Extech RHT50 a fully customizable datalogger.
With a long battery life, the Extech RHT50 datalogger is an ideal choice for monitoring humidity, temperature and pressure in a variety of fields. The RHT50 indicates its status via the red/yellow and green LEDs to reflect when it is recording and if the alarm has been triggered. The Windows-compatible software makes further analysis of the results collected by this Extech datalogger simple.
Monitors Humidity and Temperature levels in warehouse, storage rooms, freezers, shipping vans, and water damage restoration. Use 2 dataloggers to measure for positive/negative pressure between two rooms or indoors/outdoors.