The Eagle Eye VGM-100 Battery Voltage and Ground Fault Monitor is a combination battery voltage and battery ground fault monitor that reads battery status, detects out-of-limit conditions, and provides alarm indications at precise user settings for 24V, 48V, 125V and 250V systems. The VGM-100's status, adjustable under voltage and over voltage trip settings, ground fault, time delay (0-999 secs) and IP address settings are easily accessed on the user-friendly color touchscreen.
When the VGM-100 is installed & power is applied to the monitor, the firmware reads the stored settings and begins monitoring. Changing the stored settings, including the over and under voltage parameters & the ground fault conditions are easily done on the monitor's color touchscreen. If over or under voltage is detected, the voltage status will appear and the VGM-100 can activate a Form C contact. If a ground fault is detected, a positive or negative ground fault message will appear on the color touchscreen, and the VGM-100 will also activate another alarm contact.
The unit is equipped with a total of four (4) Form C Output Contacts for alarm conditions - (1) for Under Voltage, (1) for Over Voltage, (1) for Positive Ground Fault Conditions, and (1) for Negative Ground Fault Conditions. The VGM-100 is extremely durable and easily installed as a wall, panel, or DIN rail unit.
Battery voltage monitoring will provide critical battery cell protection and ensure the longevity of the battery system. Over voltage can lead to overcharging and overheating of the batteries, which can cause irreversible cell destruction. Under voltage will also cause irreversible battery damage if left uncorrected. Measuring battery voltage with the VGM-100 will allow the user to determine how charged their batteries are, and allow for immediate corrective action if needed. Battery ground faults can be difficult to locate and may create catastrophic and costly damage if they remain undetected. The entire battery system will be compromised and subject itself to overheating, thermal runaway, and reduced battery capacity. Continuous ground fault and battery voltage monitoring will eliminate those risks, and allow for immediate corrective action to happen if a ground fault is located.
The VGM-100 is one of a family of digital monitors that read battery voltage and ground faults in a 125V system. Eagle Eye offers the GFM-100 Ground Fault Monitor to only monitor battery ground faults. Eagle Eye also offers the VM-100 which only monitors battery string voltage.