Combustible Gas Indicator/Detector, Controller, Transducer, AC Power Version
The Eagle Eye GD-3000 Combustible Gas Detector is a low voltage, dual relay combustible gas (EX) detector, and automatic ventilation controller. It is a versatile, easy-to-use device that allows you to select between methane (NG), propane (LP), or hydrogen (H2) gas detection. The GD-3000 Combustible Gas Detector uses a microcomputer-controlled, electronic system to measure the concentration of combustible gas, actuate relays and provide a 4-20mA (0- 50% LEL) output. The GD-3000 Combustible Gas Detector is low maintenance with a long life (5+ years) pellistor sensor and optional gas test and calibration kits. The GD3000 Combustible Gas Detector is a low-level meter capable of displaying from 0-50% LEL of combustible gas. The GD-3000 is factory calibrated and can also be field calibrated using 10% LEL Methane, 10% LEL Propane, or 10% LEL Hydrogen gas regulator and calibration hood.
This low voltage gas detector provides automatic feedback and fan control that can help reduce combustible gas concentrations in battery rooms, parking garages, maintenance facilities, and other locations that require combustible gas detection. The unit can be used with 12VDC or 24VDC N.O. (fire/security) panels
- Utilities and Power Plants
- UPS Power Systems
- Fuel Cell Test Stations
- Nuclear Waste Reforming
- Diesel and other IC Engines
- Construction and Maintenance Facilities
- Medical/Biotechnology Labs
- Hydrogen Refueling Stations
- Fire Department
- Battery Suppliers
- Motive Power