Surge Tester, 2000-7000V, 10x700-7 Voltage Waveform, 40 Ohm 1 Ch
A Compliance West Surge Tester. That means it outputs a guaranteed waveform but won't break the bank. The tester outputs the waveform it is supposed to, time after time.
Built in the USA. Email and phone support free for life. Reasonable repair and calibration charges. Timely and helpful customer service always.
Complies with the standard EN60950, Annex N, Table N.1, Line 1 for Data Processing Equipment. This tester can test for the Australian Derivation, which requires a 7kV peak surge. The waveform is in tolerance with the requirements of IEC 1180 from 1000-7000V at the bulk cap and has an output impedance of 40 ohms. The front panel meter reads the bulk capacitor voltage (not the output voltage) in accordance with the requirements of Annex N.