Dual Channel Temperature Data Logger for One External Pt1000 Probe with Internal Temperature Sensor
Datalogger is designed to record temperature from one external Pt1000 probe and internal temperature sensor. The recording is performed in non-volatile electronic memory. The data can be transferred to a PC via USB-C.
In case of exceeded set limits alarms are indicated by LED, LCD, and acoustically by built-in beeper. The device includes a Traceable calibration certificate with declared metrological traceability of etalons is based on requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard.
This model allows measuring the temperature of the internal sensor and one external probe series Pt1000/E. The response to a temperature jump depends on the connected probe design but is usually much faster than the response of the internal sensor. It is often used, among other things, to monitor large areas where a device requiring individual monitoring is located. The maximum length of each probe lead should not exceed 15 m. It is recommended to use shielded cables. To maintain the IP rating, the unused probe connectors should be provided with a supplied closing cap. The battery in the device cannot be charged.