FlexScan Test Port Adapters
Test ports on FlexScan handheld OTDRs and Troubleshooters are equipped with tool-free switchable adapters, which can be changed in seconds. The fast change switchable adapters allow OTDR, Optical Light Source (OLS), Optical Power Meter (OPM) and Visual Fault Locator (VFL) ports to connect to launch cables and jumpers having a variety of connector styles.
AFL's new Port Saver is a Field-Replaceable Connector that protects FlexScan-series OTDR's ferrule from damage due to repeated mating.
Protect your OTDR ports from damage due to mating with dirty or damaged launch cables or patch cords or normal wear-and-tear. Equip your FlexScan FS200 or FS300 OTDR or TS100 Troubleshooter with a field-replaceable connector which installs in seconds and accepts AFL's tool-free interchangeable SC, LC, FC, and ST connector adapters.
Select from the following adapters for the OTDR/OLS, OPM, and VFL ports on the FlexScan: