The PEL 100 series is a low cost, simple to use, one-, two- (split-phase) and three-phase (Y, Δ) power/energy data logger. It is available in two models, a no display Model PEL102 or with a backlit digital display, Model PEL103.
This product is ideal for electricians, engineers, and contractors doing work in the area of building and system monitoring and upgrades, as well as residential energy audits. All vital energy data is easily measured, recorded, analyzed, and reports generated with confidence and minimal configuration time and effort.
The PEL 100 series has many up-to-date features demanded by the present market conditions.
The package is laid out in such a way that it can be installed in a load center panel including the current sensors and still allow the door to close on most panels. The PEL 102 and 103 offer all the essential functions for data logging Power/Energy from most of the electrical power networks in use today. The PEL series energy loggers measure three voltage and three current inputs and record these inputs as well as Watts, VARS, VA, and energy (kWh, kvarh, and kVA). Power factor, displacement power factor, crest factor, frequency, and THD are calculated and recorded as well. Individual harmonic information including value, %, and phase angle out to the 50th harmonic are also recorded at the operator’s choice. All variables are recorded and stored on a one second basis and on user selectable demand intervals from one to sixty minutes. Energy costs can be calculated and displayed quickly and easily by simply programming in the unit cost for a kilowatt hour. Data is stored on internal memory or on a removable SD card. Data can be retrieved by USB, Bluetooth, and/or Ethernet (local or internet) connection as well as transporting the SD card back to the download site.
The included, comprehensive DataView® software also provides the ability to view data from several hundred PEL units on a local network or over the internet providing the ability to evaluate energy usage on a department or facility basis anywhere in the world. Real-time data can be reviewed as well as downloading stored results for analysis and report generation.
Configuration of the PEL 100 series instruments takes place through the DataView® software either locally or remotely. Most of the configured parameters are pre-set in the instrument keeping the user interface simple and straightforward and easy to complete in a few minutes. Current probes are automatically defined and calibrated when they are plugged into the unit. User selections include network type, demand interval, recording length, voltage and current ratios where necessary, recording duration (defined either by time and/or date), and communication method. Pass word protection can be initiated for Bluetooth and network communication to guard against unauthorized access and protection of data integrity.
The DataView® software provides the ability to review power, harmonic, and RMS data in real-time and to download recorded sessions for more extensive analysis and report generation. One-second trend and demand interval trend graphs and tabular listings can be displayed and printed out. Energy costs can be calculated. Source and load graphs can be plotted. Individual phase and the sum of all phases can be evaluated. Once on screen, the user has access to a variety of analytical tools to analyze individual data points or sections of the recorded data without the frustration with having to deal with layers of button pushing to get to the information you need.
This simple to use yet comprehensive power and energy logger will be an invaluable asset to your energy monitoring and analysis.
Supported Networks
- Single-Phase 2-Wire
- Single-Phase 3-Wire (Split-phase from a center tap transformer)
Three-Phase 3-Wire Power Networks
- Three-phase 3-wire Δ (with two current sensors)
- Three-phase 3-wire Δ (with three current sensors)
- Three-phase 3-wire Open Δ (with two current sensors)
- Three-phase 3-wire Open Δ (with three current sensors)
- Three-phase 3-wire Y (with two current sensors)
- Three-phase 3-wire Y (with three current sensors)
- Three-phase 3-wire Δ Balanced (with one current sensor)
Three-phase 4-Wire Y Power Networks
- Three-phase 4-wire Y (with three current sensors)
- Three-phase 4-wire Y Balanced
- Three-phase 4-wire Y 2 1/2 Element
- Three-phase 4-wire Δ
- Three-phase 4-wire Open Δ
DC Power Networks
- DC 2-wire
- DC 3-wire
- DC 3-wire