Temperature Probe Pt1000TG7/E, ELKA Connector
Temperature probes Pt1000TG7 are designed to measure the surface temperature of solid substances.
The maximum temperature range of use of the sensors is -50 to +200 °C and these limits must not be exceeded even for a brief period. Used type of lead-in cable has silicone insulation and shielding. The structure of the sensors enables fast response to changes in temperature. The sensors are mounted to the surface using one or two M4 screws. The sensors are designed for use in a chemically non-aggressive environment. The method of use must be chosen with regard to the temperature and chemical resistance of the case and lead-in cable.
Sensor description:
The sensor consists of a metallic housing with the sensing element inside and a supply cable. The sensor housing is made of brass, holes in the housing are intended for mounting on a flat surface. The sensors are connected as two-wire probes. The shielding is not connected with the housing or with the temperature element.